Mother Teresa - Topeka, KS

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee is made up of representatives from the different Liturgical ministries. This group advises the Pastor on liturgical events, as well as helps plan events and liturgical celebrations. The group meets every other month. ContactJoan Atkins 785-246-1531

Altar Servers

Young people have been serving at Mass for centuries. Altar servers assist the priest and deacons in many different ways. This ministry is open to all young men and women, fifth grade and older. Training is provided.ContactParish Office785-286-2188

Art & Environment

The purpose of Art and Environment is to care for and decorate our worship space according to the liturgical calendar in order for the faithful to experience their worship more fully. The areas of responsibility include floral, decor, banners, altar linens, candle replacement, and assisting the past

Candle/Cross Bearer

As part of the entrance and exit procession, the candle and cross bearers assist on the altar as needed. Girls or boys fifth grade and older are invited to take part in this liturgical ministry. Training is provided.ContactParish Office785-286-2188

Extra Ordinary Minister

In every celebration of the Eucharist there should be a sufficient number of ministers for Holy Communion so that it can be distributed in an orderly and reverent manner. To this end, "the priest may call upon extra ordinary ministers to assist him" (USCCB). Extra ordinary ministers of Holy Communi


Greeters are ministers of hospitality and help make the members of our parish feel welcomed and comfortable as they arrive and gather for Mass. Volunteers are needed for every Mass time scheduled on the weekends.ContactMike Boleski785-221-1852


The Christian faithful who come together as one in expectation of the Lord's coming are instructed by the Apostle Paul to sing together Psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles (Col. 3:16). Singing is the sign of the heart's joy (Acts 2:46).Our parish has many opportunities for children and adults to


When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Mass, God himself speaks to his people. Therefore, the readings from the Word of God are proclaimed reverently, for they are an element of the greatest importance in the liturgy.This liturgical ministry is open to all Confirmation-age through adult members

Rosary Leader

The rosary is a prayer devotion in honor of the Virgin Mary in which one reflects on the important events in the life of Jesus and Mary. Those involved in this ministry lead the faithful in the Holy Rosary prior to weekend Masses.All individuals and/or families are encouraged to take part in this mi


The sacristan undertakes the overall preparations for Mass and liturgical celebrations. Sacristans make sure everything is available and ready for Mass, and cleans the sacred vessels after Mass. Training is provided.All adults are invited to take part in this ministry.ContactJoan Atkins785-246-1531


Ushers greet and seat people before Mass, gather and secure the collection during Mass, and hand out bulletins after Mass. They are asked to assist people with special needs and respond to emergency situations. Ushers receive appropriate training to fulfill these duties.ContactMike McLaughlin816-591